actually    kuvyukuri
En-En dictionary 
kuvyukuri   adv    1. really, in reality, 2. actually
impuhwe (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
mercy (actually the fear to hurt another because you love or pity him)
injebejebe (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
wrinkle (actually, turning down of lower lip), red thing on chicken below beak (wattle)
inkuba (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
thunder (actually, the imaginary animal that makes the thunder)
 actually found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 42   “To wash”
lesson 72   Negative of Far Past
lesson 103   Reflexive Verbs